Lever-actions may get banned by regulation just before Parliament prorogues
A while ago we published this comic to explain why lever action shotguns weren’t banned in Queensland yet, despite the Labor government agreeing they would do so.
But rumour has it that Queensland Labor have worked out a neat pre-election tactic. All the gossip suggests they’re about to ban anyone new from owning lever-action shotguns with a capacity over 5 rounds just before they call the election.
Jackie Trad (Deputy Premier, pictured above) and Mark Ryan the Police Minister would be positioning the change so as to prevent the LNP and the crossbench disallowing the reclassification before the Queensland election. They would be rolling the dice that the LNP and the crossbench minor parties would not have the will or the numbers after the election to disallow or revoke the reclassification.
If this happens…
Shooters will need to send the message before and after the election we don’t want to hear any excuses about this regulation not being disallowed. Whatever happens, just remember to
Put Labor Last